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Home > Submit delivery application

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Submit Delivery Application for Pre-Approval
Verify that all the information is accurate within each section of the Delivery Application. Please visit the FAQ section of or contact us at (855) MRK-OUNZ with any questions.

Wire Processing Fee
Once you have verified that all the information is accurate on the Delivery Application, you must wire the Processing Fee to the Sponsor using the instructions in Section D of the Delivery Application.

Submit Delivery Application for Pre-Approval
After the Processing Fee has been wired, you may submit the Delivery Application to the Sponsor for pre-approval. Please submit your Delivery Application below, via fax to (650)745-7045 or by mail to:

Merk Investments LLC
Attn: VanEck Merk Gold Trust
1150 Chestnut St
Menlo Park, CA 94025